VW MQB add key & all key lost functions have been officially released to help you reduce the cost of key programming significantly.
1. To activate the feature, you need to own KET TOOL PLUS or VVDI2+VVDI PROG.
2. All key lost requires third-party cooperation to obtain certain data, and may incur extra charges.
3. Support read immo data for MQB48 type (with NEC35xx chip) which can't read by OBD or all key lost. Support add key and all key lost (need synchronize data).
And we have prepared 4 videos altogether that will guide you to use the new feature step by step via lifting pin or cutting PCB wire.
🔶Read MQB Locked NEC35xx Using KEY TOOL PLUS
🔶MQB Dashboard NEC3525 Lift Pin & Cut Wire Tutorial
🔶MQB Dashboard NEC3526 Cut Wire Tutorial
🔶MQB Dashboard NEC3532 Cut Wire Advanced Tutorial
Before read the chip data on the PCB board, we need to lift pin or cut PCB wire first.
⭐Lifting PIN from CPU
1. Find the lift PIN(FVDD) position according to diagram.
2. Prepare a hot-air gun, set temperature to 355℃/671℉, adjust to the lowest speed, focus on the PIN(FVDD) when start operating.
3. After heating the PIN(FVDD), insert the operating knife under the PIN and lift it slightly up. DON'T lift up too much, just make sure the PIN disconnect with PCB.
4. Wait until the PIN cooling down, solder a thin wire or an enameled wire onto the lift PIN, use gummed paper to fix this wire on the back of CPU in case of any movement.
5. After Read/Write MCU operation, remove the soldering wire from the lift PIN(FVDD). Use the hot-air gun heating the PIN again, then solder the lift PIN back to PCB(original position).
⭐Cutting off wire of PCB
1.Find the cutting off the wire position, according to the remarked position and shape for cutting wire as the diagram shown.
2.Follow the instruction and operate slightly while cutting off the wire. Don't use too much force, otherwise the PCB board will be damaged.
3.After cut wire successful, check the FVDD point whether disconnect with other reference points as the diagram shown.
4.After Read/Write MCU operation, need to recover the cutting wire position back as before.
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