Welcome to the latest update from Xhorse! We are thrilled to announce the launch of MINI OBD TOOL V2, the culmination of extensive research, development, and customer feedback.

If you're eager to discover the advancements and improvements that define MINI OBD TOOL V2, you've come to the right place! Let's dive into today's article to explore the product in detail.

  1   - Support CAN_FD Protocol  

It supports CAN_FD models such as Cadilac CT4/CT5, Buick GL8/Encore, Chevrolet Cavalier/Trax, etc. Plus, the number of car models supported keeps increasing.

  2   - Considerate LED Light 

MINI OBD TOOL V2 has an LED light, making it more convenient to operate in vehicles and other scenarios.

  3   - IMMO Programming

The built-in database covers data on over 95% of common cars in the market and keeps increasing. 

With KEY TOOL MAX, MINI OBD TOOL V2 can finish IMMO programming for thousands of car models. 

Support IMMO programming via OBD port without disassembly.

  4   - Support for 8A Immobilizer Box All Key Lost

8A immo box all key lost - OBD makes master key. 

8A immo box all key lost - file makes master key. 

*8A IMMO programming needs 8A adapter

  5   - Maintenance Functions

MINI OBD TOOL V2 has launched maintenance functions, such as maintenance light reset, throttle program TPMS, etc., greatly facilitating the work of locksmiths.

To provide a visual overview of MINI OBD TOOL V2, we've prepared a video showcasing its capabilities.

Thank you for joining us on this journey as we continue to innovate and create products that enhance your experience. Stay tuned for more updates and details on how you can get your hands on MINI OBD TOOL V2. 

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